Picture gallery


Some Paintings can also be found in the book 100 Paintings.

Parts of the editions are still available as Fine Art, Museum Quality,

Digital Giclee Prints. (Limited Editions of only 40 pieces).

The Giclee Prints are between 51 x 61 cm ( 20 x 24 inch) at paper size,

the Printed Picture are smaller (minimum 3 cm smaller on each side) depending on the original shape* of the painting.

(*note: not the size but  the shape = square or rectangular)

All Giclees are registered, numbered and have

a Certificate of Authenticity.

Information about the edition, prices and order information, here.

These images are just a small selection of hundreds of pictures and we will publish new images regulary.



Homepage made by IAD Studios

Copyright 2015 IAD Studios

Reproduction of any kind is not permitted without the written permission of IAD Studios and the author/photographer