More about the Artist

"Having the ability to paint is not obvious - it is a privilege"

Gunnar Rydberg, visual artist, photographer, musician and writer, born 1953 in Uppsala, Sweden.

Rydberg has been called both a  bohemian and a eccentric and as such both lived in the community, and also on its edge, which in turn has resulted in the image form that he acquired, some have called it Arte Brut or Outsider Art, which has its origin in Jean Dubuffet or Roger Cardinals expressions.

Others called his art Neo Impressionism or Postmodernism, but the truth is probably that it is situated somewhere in between all of this, or perhaps it's just Rydberg's own expressions and art form.

Something is taken from Egyptian depictions of value perspective, the one-dimensional surfaces, animal heads, bright female bodies and dark male bodies, some other parts from the cave paintings of Lascaux, and others from fauvism colors, shapes and tones, a mix in Rydberg's universe, a message of solidarity and love, against war and poverty.

You can also find traces from Baudelaire, J.J. Rousseau, Strindberg and Picasso, but also a commitment in the organic green wave movement that emerged in the 70's, yes the list goes on, but the result is Rydbergs own pictures and it can now be seen and experienced in his diverse production.



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